Welcome to CrossLease
Our leasing software creates cross-relationships.
Who we are
Link between refinancing banks and leasing companies
We offer software solutions for leasing companies and refinancing banks. The diverse challenges of the leasing industry can be solved efficiently and in a modern way with our software.

Our Products
Manage your leasing business in the cloud!
Our software solutions help you to increase efficiencies.
LeasOne is our cloud-based leasing software for small and medium-sized leasing companies that need an easy-to-use, intuitive and reliable software solution.
The software covers all essential areas of a leasing ERP full version:
POS (Point of Sale), digital quotation and application route.
Qualified offer generation in the back office
Application processing with rating and automatic credit decision
Contract management for leasing and hire-purchase contracts
Administration of refinancing
Inventory transaction data, sub-accounts, investment accounts and tax accounts are managed in LeasOne. Optionally, the master and transaction data are transferred via an interface to an accounting programme (SAP, DATEV, Lexware, etc.) for evaluations and reports.
The software is used without exception via a browser and can be operated “on premise” or in our cloud as “SaaS” (Software as a Service) according to KWG 25a. All you need is internet access to our cloud on a PC, laptop or tablet.
Payment is made in a subscription model, so you do not buy a licence but rent the software in a “carefree package”.
RefiOne is our standard product for the funding industry, which can be operated either in one of our data centres or in the group’s own data centre or affiliated data centres.
The software covers the following areas of a refi bank:
Refi portal for use by the leasing companies
Refi application section with automatic refinancing decision
Mirror file management in reconciliation with the leasing companies
Comprehensive financing account management in individual and package financing
Management and controlling of the leasing sector
All common types of financing with detailed information for forfaiting, annuity loans, amortising loans or roll-over financing are managed and made available for bank processes. Core banking systems can be connected bidirectionally via APIs.
The software is used without exception via a browser – the software has been developed since 2002(!) as pure browser-based software in close cooperation with the specialist departments and the auditing requirements.